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Motivation, Encouragement, and Self Help Starts Here...

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S-T-R-E-N-G-T-H begins with the letter "S": first things first...Start with Self!
Are you ready to turn your "struggle 2 strength"? I certainly was at my breaking point not too long ago and realized something had to...

"T" ~ Today is Your Day
What better time than now! Why put off until tomorrow what you can do today? We often tell ourselves we'll make changes tomorrow, or...

"R" ~ Recognize the Struggle
If any of you are like me, the word "struggle" would end in "s". Yes, I've had many struggles, and will continue to have them. What I had...

"R" ~ Recognize The Struggle Cont...
I just had a couple more things I wanted to share as a continuation of recognizing our struggles. Let's not give negative power to our...

"E" ~ Enhance the Physical
Do you LOVE yourself? Do you treat yourself as though you LOVE yourself? That was a difficult question for me for a long time. My...

"E" ~ Enhance The Physical Cont...
Continuation of "Enhance The Physical". I just wanted to share a couple more thoughts and a personal experience regarding my struggles...

"N" ~ Now Faith
In order to transform into your great pillar of strength, you must first believe that you can. Faith is key to transformation because you...

"G" ~ Get Passionate
Have you lost your way and now feel stuck? I know in the midst of my struggles I had become stagnant and felt swallowed up in a...

"T" ~ Think Positive
What I believe to be the most important part of this process… THINK POSITIVE! In order to succeed at this journey of changing your view...

"H" ~ Help Others without Expectation
Helping others in their struggle will ultimately help you in yours. There is an innate feeling of satisfaction when you set out to see...

Self Help~The Long-Term Solution to Winning at Life!
In order to overcome a weakness or a difficult situation, we must take risks.
It’s a gamble; we might face huge failure in life or achieve

Motivate Yourself
Motivation is sometimes hard to come by. A concept that becomes blurred as time goes on and we age, we somehow forget to express this...

Success Against All Odds
Everyone's definitive objective in life is to be cheerful and successful. Being successful simply relates to getting all that you needed...

Coping Mechanisms ~ Effective or Destructive? How do you Cope?
Coping mechanisms are behaviors or actions that people either willingly or subconsciously engage in to manage stressors in their lives....

It's Not Easy ~ Crabs In A Bucket
As you begin to transform into your pillar of strength and start applying some of the principles I’ve shared, things may get a little...
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